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Cómo elegir una guitarra

Cómo elegir una guitarra

Picking the right guitar is the first essential step. Your first guitar can bring you heaps of fun, or totally discourage you. Getting to know how to play an instrument is a process of constant trying, making mistakes, trying again... and unfortunately making more mistakes. Therefore, choose right away a guitar that'll keep you motivated to keep playing despite the first difficulties. But how to pick the guitar without any previous experience? Ask yourself a couple of questions that'll help you to navigate through a huge selection of guitars.
Why to start with paddleboard

Why to start with paddleboard

The history of this water sport Although starts only in 1940, but since then it's popularity continues to grow. Enjoyable at any age. Discover the advantages of Paddleboarding and explore ways to improve your health and fitness and spice up your vacation by the sea, on a lake or river.